Friday, November 06, 2009

Victorian Collar DIY

{DIY Victorian Collar}

This is so lovely and beautiful! I finally broke down and bought myself a sewing machine. My cousin sent me the link to this amazing collar from a fellow blogger and it's going to be my 2nd sewing project! My hands have been aching for something creative + it feels great to be tangible with things.  
I'm experimenting with the fabric and trying a lace that I found. Not sure if it will lay exactly right, but the smaller version of the collar in lace would be amazing I think!

I'll upload and post pictures of my first maiden sewing project I did last night. It's a colorful pillow with yellow lemons on the fabric and blue pom-pom trim. 

Very cheerful + fun! 


Sherry said...

This looks like a fabulous project!! I haven't sewn anything in years...I look forward to seeing what you create!

Lynnell Dianne said...

Cute collar, post pics of how it turns out!